About Terme Dobrna
Get to know us and our history
Terme Dobrna is a modern, dynamic spa and tourism centre, combining natural features and modern medicine, ranking us at the top of Slovenian tourism.
Terme Dobrna is the oldest working Slovenian thermal spa with over 610 years of tradition.
In the very early days the mild climate without fog or cold winds attracted the first settlers.
Then in prehistoric times, a fortified settlement was erected on the nearby hillock Gradišče.
500 Celtic coins found in archaeological excavations are a testimony to his early settlement.
Archaeological findings also prove that Dobrna and its thermal water were well known by the Celts and Romans. The thermal spring was known by the first Slovenian settlers as well.
They named the upper part of their settlement ‘Toplice’ (Spa) and the lower part ‘Dobrna’ after the pedunculate oak (in Slovene: ‘dob’), which is characteristic for the wide surrounding area.
The Dobrna spa and thermal spring were first mentioned in written records in 1403 when
they became the property of Sigmund and Andrej Dobrnski. In 1624, a new era started for
the spa.
Matija Gačnik erected the first health building and to commemorate this event, he had a marble plaque that still exists today, built into the wall above the swimming pool. With the Gačnik family becoming the owners of the spa, an era of prosperity began for Dobrna. By 1814, when the property came into possession of Franc Ksaverij Kajetan, the spa was already known far and wide. Baron Dienersberg tore down the old middle part of the Gačnik spa centre, built a new one and connected it to the side wings.
In 1848, the spa was purchased by Count Ivan Hoyos who thoroughly tackled the landscaping and construction works. He built a new wing with a beautiful new spa hall, a chapel and a swimming pool for visitors and the poor. He also constructed other buildings and arranged paths and resting places in the park. In the vicinity of the enclosed spring, Hoyos had five individual baths constructed.
Due to the spa’s sudden growth, a new modern hotel with a thermal swimming pool, a health centre, a restaurant, a café, and other rooms were built in 1979 on the green between the settlement and the spa complex.
Ever since the first findings, water from the Dobrna hot springs has been used for medical
purposes to treat various diseases, to strengthen the body and to improve the overall physical and mental fitness of individuals and groups.
This is how Terme Dobrna became known around the world for its healing effects and health benefits. The most notable guests included senior officials and important persons, including Maria Theresa, Bishop Anton Martin Slomšek, Louis Bonaparte (brother of Napoleon I), writer Karl May and Count Hoyosh.
Today, Terme Dobrna is a successful, modern and dynamic health resort and tourist centre, which combines the gifts of nature, tradition, hospitality, professionalism and contemporary medicine.
In the tourism segment, we are recognizable by our offer of sustainable tourism. We specialize in seniors, couples and families with small children that are looking for peace, relaxation and a healthy way of life in pristine nature. We offer diversified accommodation and gastronomic experience, as well as a wide range of sports and leisure activities. All tourist offers are of course available to all who choose to visit for health reasons.
Terme Dobrna has a Diagnostic and Rehabilitation Centre, where we work with leading experts in the fields of gynaecology, urology, neurology, neurosurgery, orthopaedics, cardiology, psychotherapy, rheumatology and logopaedics. We help women and men in all stages of fertility and, at the same time, protecting them from the most common diseases.
Terme Dobrna has three natural healing factors approved by the Slovenian Ministry of Health: thermal water, mud (fango) and turf.
Being focused on sustainable tourism development and care for the preservation of the natural environment, Terme Dobrna is ranked amongst tourist providers holding the international Green Key eco and Slovenia Green Accommodation labels.
Zdravje je naše vodilo in generator razvoja. Z nudenjem oddiha v neokrnjeni naravi in iskanjem ravnovesja ugodno vplivamo na zdravje naših gostov. S preventivnim delovanjem zdravje varujemo, z rehabilitacijo in zdraviliškim zdravljenjem ga povrnemo.
S strani Ministrstva za zdravje Republike Slovenije imamo v Termah Dobrna priznane tri naravne zdravilne dejavnike: termalna voda, fango in šota.
V okviru term deluje diagnostično-rehabilitacijski center - center zdravja Dobrna Medical, v katerem sodelujemo z vodilnimi strokovnjaki na področjih ginekologije, urologije, ortopedije in nevrologije. Na področju srednje in vzhodne Evrope smo prepoznani kot vodilni center za pomoč pri bolezenskih težavah z rodili, neplodnostjo, inkontinenco ter diagnostiko na področju ginekološko-uroloških stanj v povezavi z onkologijo ter nevroloških stanj.
Vodilni smo tudi na področju sonaravnega turizma, kjer parom in družinam z majhnimi otroci zagotavljamo mir, sprostitev in zdrav način življenja v neokrnjeni naravi ob raznovrstni namestitveni in gostinski ponudbi.